Darkroom features in latest Hoxton Mini Press publication

We love Hoxton Mini Press publications, so when artist and educator Christina Brown contacted us in the summer to say she was writing one of their Opinionated Guides and wanted to include Darkroom, we invited her along to one of our workshops, so she could get a flavour of what we do.

The book is out now, characterised by their trademark sleek design and succinct insights into an eclectic collection of organisations that contribute to London’s vibrant art scene. Including us!

Those lovely people at Hoxton Mini Press are offering Darkroom subscribers a generous 15% discount on all purchases of the book. Simply use the DARKROOM discount code when ordering from their website.

We all know London is one of the capitals of the art world. But what does that mean for us everyday folk? This opinionated guide brings the scene to life – dusting off museum collections, opening intimidating doors and separating the stuffy from the spectacular – so you’ll know which masterpieces to visit and where to buy, or even make, your very own.